Formula Romance dalam Roman Mes Amis Mes Amours Karya Marc Lévy
popular literature, romance formula, romanAbstract
In popular literature, there are schemes or formulas that are commonly used to construct the romance genre in a way that caters to readers' tastes and be widely appreciated. This thesis deals with formulas and characteristics aimed at identifying the patterns of narratives of popular literature as popular literary works. This research aims to analyze the formula of romance present in the novel "Mes Amis Mes Amours" by Marc Levy, as well as to identify the characteristics of popular literary works of the romance genre. The author uses the formula
theory proposed by John G. Cawelti to analyze the formulas and characteristics constructed in the novel "My Friends My Loves", in accordance with the characteristics of the novel presented by Joyce G. Saricks. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method, with data analyzed according to a structuralist approach. The results obtained are as follows: First, the novel "Mes Amis Mes Amours" by Marc Levy is part of the genre of popular romance that corresponds
to the tastes of readers. Second, there are five common characteristics of popular romance novels, including: (1) the novel "My Friends My Loves" evokes readers' emotions; (2) the characters in the story are easily identifiable; (3) it has misunderstandings; (4) the story involves interesting temporal details; and (5) the style of writing is easily recognizable.
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