SANGIA JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY RESEARCH <p><strong><em>Sangia : Jurnal Penelitian Arkeologi</em> (Journal of Archaeology Research)</strong> is a scientific periodical publication with a frequency of two publications per year. The journal is published by the Archeology Department Laboratory of the Faculty of Culture at the Halu Oleo University. <strong><em>Sangia : Jurnal Penelitian Arkeologi</em> (Journal of Archaeology Research) </strong>has both a printed version with ISSN 2613-8999 and an electronic version with e-ISSN 2654-3524. The journal's mission is to provide an arena for exchanging ideas and thoughts in the field of archeology and to build a tradition and academic climate for the advancement of civilization and human dignity.</p> Laboratorium Jurusan Arkeologi Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Halu Oleo en-US SANGIA JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY RESEARCH 2613-8999 Pencurian Koleksi Museum Negeri Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara: Sebuah Refleksi Permasalahan Keamanan Museum di Indonesia <p><em>Cases of theft of museum collections in Indonesia have occurred in a number of museums, both in urban centers and in regional areas. The State Museum of Southeast Sulawesi Province did not escape the theft of museum collections that occurred in early 2021. This research attempts to describe the security conditions of the State Museum of Southeast Sulawesi Province before and after the theft occurred at the museum. This research uses library methods and field observations to obtain the required information. Based on the results of the research, it is known that there are 900 museum collections stolen by unknown parties. The condition of the museum before the theft occurred was known to have a security system that was not optimal as evidenced by the absence of control by museum supervisors or CCTV security. The condition of the museum after the theft has experienced a number of improvements in the form of iron bars and locks on a number of doors and windows of the museum building. However, based on field observations, security at the museum is still far from properly implementing the concept of museum security.</em></p> M Sabri M Sabri Wa Ode Rawianti Copyright (c) 2023 M Sabri M Sabri, Wa Ode Rawianti 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 7 2 101 117 10.33772/sangia.v7i2.2195 Relevansi Kebudayaan Masyarakat Desa Giritengah dengan Jawa Kuno Pada Relief Candi Borobudur <p><em>Giritengah Village is a village located about 6km to the southwest. Giritengah is a cultural village that has cultural diversity in the community. The culture in Giritengah village consists of local knowledge of the use of prey institutions for agriculture, traditional dances, arts, musical instruments, and traditional rituals of the community. The cultural diversity in Giritengah village cannot be separated from the cultural development of the past community. This paper aims to provide a complementary study of how the relevance of the Borobudur community occurred in the past and continues to the present in Giritengah village. This research data was obtained through literature study and participatory observation. This research uses a social archaeology approach, by reviewing the relevance or relationship between the current community relations in Giritengah village and the community depicted on the reliefs of Borobudur Temple. The results of this study explain that there are three aspects of relevance that exist in the Giritengah community, namely the social and cultural aspects, the flora aspect, and the art aspect of the Giritengah village community, all of which have relevance to the life of the ancient Javanese people in the reliefs of Borobudur Temple</em>.</p> Kharisma Nabila Copyright (c) 2023 Kharisma Nabila 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 7 2 118 132 10.33772/sangia.v7i2.2407 ARKEOPRENEURSHIP SEBAGAI ALTERNATIF PEMANFAATAN HASIL PENELITIAN ARKEOLOGI MEMBANGUN PARIWISATA CAGAR BUDAYA NASIONAL <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p> <p><em>The results of archaeological research in Indonesia have been published in the form of research reports, scientific articles, seminar proceedings, and reference books, as well as in the form of audiovisuals. However, there is minimal absorption in the public sphere, and is considered difficult to accept, understand, and enjoy the general public. Research results should be used in various forms, and dimensions at all levels of society in line with the theory of the "Holtorf Model" by Cornelius Holtorf (2007), which views that the results of archaeological research must be communicated, and utilized in various ways through networking support to provide benefits. This issue is the background of the research, namely how to use the results of archaeological research case studies of the Muarajambi National Cultural Heritage Area which has a direct impact on the general public, especially in tourism activities. This research is a literature study with qualitative reasoning, with stages of collecting supporting literature data, data analysis, and data interpretation to answer research questions. The results of the study found that the concept of entrepreneurship can be adopted for downstream or utilization of archaeological research results, especially entrepreneurship in the field of cultural tourism, most of which are mainly in the form of cultural materials. Expanding the use of archaeological research results is important to continue to be pursued in concrete forms that have a direct impact on the welfare of the general public both in terms of socio-cultural and economic. </em></p> <p><em>Keywords: archaeopreneurship, results, research, tourism, national</em></p> Asyhadi Mufsi Sadzali Copyright (c) 2023 Asyhadi Mufsi Sadzali 2023-12-10 2023-12-10 7 2 133 146 10.33772/sangia.v7i2.2413 VARIASI GAMBAR CADAS DI CERUK LAKANTOBHE DESA LIANGKABORI KECAMATAN LOHIA KABUPATEN MUNA <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p><em>The Lakantobhe rock-shelter site is</em><em> one of the rock-shelter that has various rock arts. The site is located in Liangkabori village, Lohia sub-district, Southeast Sulawesi. Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi. This research investigated the form of images and variations in the form of rock art in the Lakantobhe rock-shelter site. The method used was data collection, data verifivication, documenting data and then data analysis. The last was data interpretation. The results of the research conducted, the Lakantobhe rock-shelter site has 46 panels with the number of images found, namely 133 images. The findings of these images have different shapes. These forms include human forms with a total of 4 variants, human and animal forms with a total of 4 variants, animal forms with a total of 6 variants, geometric with a total of 7 variants and abstract forms with a total of 35 images.</em></p> <p> </p> Putri S Rahmayani Salniwati Salniwati Abdul Alim Arie Toursino Hadi Copyright (c) 2023 Putri S Rahmayani, Salniwati Salniwati, Abdul Alim, Arie Toursino Hadi 2023-12-12 2023-12-12 7 2 147 163 METODE KONSERVASI KOLEKSI NASKAH KUNO YANG DITERAPKAN PADA MUSEUM PROVINSI SULAWESI TENGGARA <p><em>This research investigated the forms of conservation in ancient manuscript collections and </em><em>the</em> <em>obstacles faced</em> <em>in</em> <em>conservation</em> <em>activities in</em> <em>ancient manuscript</em> <em>collections. The</em> <em>method used was qualitative with descriptive analitic model. Data collection in this </em><em>research used documentation, observation and interviews .The research results show that forms of conservation in ancient manuscript collections</em><em> in Southeast Sulawesi museums begin with carrying out periodic maintenance fumigation as needed using Silica Gel material. Fumigation is carried out 1 to 2 times a year. However, in this process there are several obstacles, namely, human resources in carrying out conservation of collections and ancient manuscripts so that it can only be done using silica gel, lack of facilities and infrastructure such as laboratories that are inadequate for forms of conservation of ancient manuscript collections.</em></p> Kafidah Akhmad Marhadi Salniwati Salniwati Abdul Alim Copyright (c) 2023 Kafidah, Akhmad Marhadi, Salniwati Salniwati, Abdul Alim 2023-12-10 2023-12-10 7 2 164 178 10.33772/sangia.v7i2.2341 IDENTIFIKASI TINGGALAN ARKEOLOGI ERA KOLONIAL BELANDA DI KECAMATAN SUKADANA KABUPATEN CIAMIS <p><em>Sukadana is a sub-district in Ciamis Regency, West Java Province. Since the abandonment of colonial era infrastructure and buildings, quite a few have been neglected because they were not continued and were simply destroyed. There are various types of archaeological remains in the Sukadana District area. This makes the author interested in (1) identifying what archaeological remains are in Sukadana District, (2) what their potential is, (3) what problems and solutions must be implemented. This research is considered important because it is the first research in this area. The research was carried out using qualitative methods, and is descriptive in nature, namely a way of solving problems by providing an overview of the archaeological data found. To solve the problem the author uses the inductive reasoning method. The results of the discussion show that there are many remains of the colonial period in Sukadana District. However, there are many problems faced, such as a lack of concern for the remains themselves. Solutions that can be implemented include intensifying socialization regarding cultural heritage, instilling awareness of historical heritage from an early age and helping to ensure legal certainty of ownership rights to colonial era historical heritage.</em></p> <p> </p> Ahmad Rizky Fauzi Yudi Pauzian Hasni Hasan Copyright (c) 2023 Ahmad Rizky Fauzi, Yudi Pauzian, Hasni Hasan 2023-12-10 2023-12-10 7 2 179 199 10.33772/sangia.v7i2.2452