Publication Ethics
Cakrawala Listra: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya Indonesia is always consistent in its efforts to maintain the integrity of the review. We will review each manuscript carefully. Authors are also strongly advised to maintain the integrity of their work so that it is free from conflicts of interest, data falsification and fabrication, plagiarism, ethical violations in experiments, inadequate research subject agreements, and disputes between authors.
Ethical Guidelines for Authors
The following are the ethical guidelines that all authors must agree to when submitting manuscripts to the Cakrawala Listra Journal:
- Originality: All authors must guarantee that their articles are original and personal works, that do not infringe on the intellectual property rights of any individual or entity, and that cannot be classified as plagiarism of any previously published work.
- Shared Responsibility: All authors listed on an article bear equal responsibility for the content of the submitted manuscript.
- Co-author Agreement: The primary author (if there is more than one author) must ensure that all co-authors agree to the publication and are willing to be listed as co-authors. All individuals who have contributed, either scientifically or linguistically, to the written work to be published must be listed as co-authors.
- Single Submission: Authors are prohibited from submitting a manuscript to more than one journal simultaneously.
- No Duplicate Publication: Authors are prohibited from submitting work that has been previously published or that is substantially based on previously published work, either in part or in whole.
- Citation: Authors must cite all relevant publications. Information obtained privately, such as in conversations, correspondence, or discussions with third parties, may only be used or reported in the author's work if it is quoted in full and with the permission of the third party.
- Avoidance of Defamation: Authors must avoid making defamatory statements when submitting articles that could be considered as damaging the reputation of others.
- Conflict of Interest: Authors must declare any potential conflicts of interest, both professional and financial, that may be relevant to their article.
Cakrawala Listra editors consider plagiarism to be a serious ethical violation and will blacklist authors found to have plagiarized. This applies to authors who intentionally quote or use the work of others without providing proper attribution.
Conflict of Interest
A conflict of interest arises when there is a financial, legal, commercial, or professional relationship between the author, employer, or sponsor and another party that could potentially influence the objectivity of the research.
Examples of potential conflicts of interest include, but are not limited to, consultancy, employment, grants, salaries and fees, patents, royalties, stock ownership, or shared ownership.
Authors are required to disclose fully any potential conflicts of interest when submitting a manuscript. This information will be used by the editor to make editorial decisions. If necessary, authors may be asked to provide a more detailed explanation of potential conflicts of interest in a separate letter. The editor or reviewer has the authority to reject publication of a manuscript based on any significant conflict of interest.
Guidelines for the Editorial Team
All members of the editorial team are expected to adhere to the ethical guidelines applicable to published articles in the Cakrawala Listra Journal. The following guidelines must be observed:
- Anggota tim redaksi harus mempertimbangkan tanpa bias setiap naskah yang diserahkan untuk diterbitkan dan menilai masing-masing berdasarkan kelayakannya tanpa melihat ras, agama, kebangsaan, gender, senioritas, atau lembaga asal penulisnya.
- Anggota tim redaksi harus merahasiakan proses peninjauan; dilarang membagi informasi atau bersurat mengenai sebuah naskah dengan siapa pun di luar proses peninjauan.
- Anggota tim redaksi boleh menolak sebuah naskah yang diserahkan tanpa pendapat resmi dari peninjauan oleh mitra bestari jika menganggap naskah itu tidak cocok untuk jurnalnya dan di luar lingkup jurnal.
- Anggota tim redaksi harus berusaha untuk memproses naskah yang diserahkan dengan cara yang efisien dan terjadwal.
- Jika menemukan bukti kesalahan yang meyakinkan dalam isi pokok atau kesimpulan artikel apa pun yang dimuat dalam Jurnal Cakrawala Listra, anggota tim redaksi harus memfasilitasi penerbitan ralat yang sesuai.
- Data atau analisis apa pun yang disampaikan dalam sebuah naskah tidak boleh digunakan dalam penelitian anggota redaksi sendiri, kecuali atas kesepakatan penulisnya.