Publication Ethics

 Publication Ethics is a statement of the ethical code for all parties involved in the journal's publication process, including managers, editors, reviewers, and authors. The core values of the Scientific Publication Ethics are (i) Neutrality, which means being free from conflicts of interest in publication management; (ii) Fairness, which involves granting authorship rights to those who deserve them; and (iii) Honesty, which means being free from duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism in publication.

Editor Responsibilities

  • Match the needs of readers and authors;
  • Continuously improve the quality of publications;
  • Implement processes to ensure the quality of published work;
  • Uphold objective freedom of expression;
  • Maintain the academic integrity of authors;
  • Address corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies as needed;
  • Be responsible for the style and format of manuscripts, while the content and statements are the responsibility of the authors;
  • Actively seek feedback from authors, readers, reviewers, and editorial board members to enhance publication quality;
  • Encourage the evaluation of the journal in the presence of findings;
  • Support initiatives to reduce research and publication errors by requesting authors to include approved ethical clearance forms;
  • Support initiatives to educate researchers about publication ethics;
  • Review the impact of publication policies on the behavior of authors and reviewers and make adjustments to enhance accountability and reduce errors;
  • Be open to new opinions or viewpoints that may differ from personal beliefs;
  • Avoid maintaining personal or third-party opinions that could lead to biased decisions;
  • Encourage authors to revise their manuscripts to meet publication standards.

Reviewer Responsibilities

  • Receive assignments from the editor to review manuscripts and provide evaluations to assist in determining the suitability of manuscripts for publication;
  • Avoid reviewing manuscripts in which they have a direct or indirect conflict of interest;
  • Maintain the confidentiality of authors by not disclosing the results of corrections, suggestions, and recommendations about the manuscript;
  • Encourage authors to revise their manuscripts;
  • Re-evaluate revised manuscripts according to established standards;
  • Review manuscripts in a timely manner, adhering to the journal’s style and scientific guidelines (data collection methods, author legality, conclusion drawing, etc.).

Author Responsibilities

  • Ensure that all listed authors meet the criteria for authorship;
  • Be collectively responsible for the work and content of the manuscript/article, including methods, analysis, calculations, and details;
  • Declare the source of resources (including funding), whether direct or indirect;
  • Explain limitations in the research;
  • Respond professionally and promptly to comments made by reviewers;
  • Inform the editor if they wish to withdraw their manuscript;
  • Declare that the manuscript submitted for publication is original, has not been published elsewhere in any language, and is not under consideration by another publisher.