Keluarga Golongan Bangsawan (Kamokole’a) Rumbia Moronene 1948-2012


  • Lili Suriani Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Basrin Melamba Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Aslim Aslim Universitas Halu Oleo



Nobility, Family History, Moronene, Rumbia


This study aims to describe (1) The origin and history of the Moronene nobility. (2) The characteristics of the Moronene Rumbia nobility. (3) The role of the family in maintaining social status. In this study, the method used is the historical method, which consists of five stages of research, namely: (a) Topic Selection, (b) Source Heuristics, (c) Source Criticism, (d) Source Interpretation, and (e) Historiography. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The origin of the Moronene nobility can be seen in Kada, an oral literature in the form of a long epic containing origins or events. One of the central figures in Kada is "Dendengi," titled "Tongki Mpu'u Wonua Tamanao Moronene." Dendengi is believed to be the first leader (Apua) of the Moronene tribe who gave birth to a leader or king in Wonua I Bombana Wita I Moronene. (2.) The characteristics of the Moronene nobility can be seen from the way they speak, dress, behavior, manners of entertaining guests, naming, social stratification, and death ceremonies; (3) The role of the noble family in maintaining their social status, including through marriage and education. To continue the throne, a prospective King/Mokole must marry another Moronene noble so that the blood of nobility is purer; meanwhile, through education, on average, descendants of the Mokole Munara receive an education.


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How to Cite

Keluarga Golongan Bangsawan (Kamokole’a) Rumbia Moronene 1948-2012. (2024). Journal Idea of History, 7(1), 82-91.

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