Integrasi Sosial-Politik Hindia Belanda dengan Kerajaan Bungku


  • Haliadi Sadi Universitas Tadulako
  • Fatma Fatma Universitas Halu Oleo



socio-political integration, colonial, Bungku


This study aims to describe the socio-political integration that occurred between the Dutch East Indies and the Bungku Kingdom. The research method used in this study is historical research, in which the existing research refers to heuristic steps, source criticism, formulating facts, and presenting new thoughts as a process of analyzing data sources found during the research period. The results of this study indicate that the values of the colonial state system also left an impression and were integrated into the thoughts of local aristocratic political figures; it can be seen in the struggle of H. Husen during the transition from the Japanese occupation to Indonesia during the revolution. In his battle, H. Husen also joined the Red and White struggle group in the Poso area until the 1950s, when he was elected as a member of the Provisional DPRD of Central Sulawesi Province. In addition to H. Husen, representatives of the people in the DPRD-S at that time included J. Magido, Lumentut, Monoarfa, Sengka Marunduh from Mori, and H. Husin from Bungku. In addition, there are also Bungku figures who became local political actors after the Dutch East Indies colonial era or at the beginning of the formation of the new state of Indonesia, including Ngitung, Muin Pusadan, and Abdul Malik Syahadat.


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Kurasawa, Aiko. 1993. Mobilisasi dan Kontrol Studi tentang Perubahan Sosial di Pedesaan Jawa 1942-1945. Jakarta: Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia.

Kutoyo, Sutrisno. 2005. Sejarah Daerah Sulawesi Tengah. Palu: Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata.

Mahid, Syakir dkk. 2010. Sejarah Sosial Sulawesi Tengah. Yogyakarta: Pilar.

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How to Cite

Integrasi Sosial-Politik Hindia Belanda dengan Kerajaan Bungku. (2024). Journal Idea of History, 7(1), 73-81.

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