Dinamika Desa Moolo Kecamatan Batukara Kabupaten Muna: Sebuah Tinjauan Sejarah Desa, 1970-2022
Dynamics, Moolo Village, MunaAbstract
This article aims to explain the background to the formation of Moolo Village, Batukara District, Muna Regency, and the origins of its population. This research also analyzes the dynamics that happened in Moolo Village during the period 1970-2022. This research uses historical methods. According to Louis Gottschalk, there are four stages of work in historical research: heuristics, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The results of this research are the formation of Moolo as a village was inseparable from the first small community association that inhabited the Moolo area. The community comes from Bangkali, west of Muna Island. They came to Moolo in 1970 with the aim of gardening. While in the Moolo area, these residents used the land and only planted short[1]term crops. When this community inhabited Moolo, Moolo's administrative status was still a hamlet and was incorporated into Maligano Village. This community from Bangkali did not last long in Moolo. The disturbance of wild animals such as snakes, pigs, anoa, and other animals required them to leave Moolo in 1971. Simultaneously with their departure, in 1971-1972, another local transmigration from Tampunabale arrived. While in Moolo, they also began to interact with nature and use the land as a place to farm. As the population settled in Moolo, the Muna regional government made Moolo a definitive village in 1975. Infrastructure development began, especially the roads of provision, markets, health centers, and other facilities. Until 2022, the development of infrastructure in the village will continue to be carried out by the Moolo Village government to support social, cultural, economic, and other activities.
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