Analisis Bentuk Adaptasi Sawi terhadap Punggawa dalam Sistem Perekonomian Masyarakat Bajo Kecamatan Tiworo Utara Kabupaten Muna Barat


  • Nurmin Suryati Halu Oleo University
  • Akhmad Marhadi Halu Oleo University
  • Maulid Taembo Trunojoyo Univesity
  • Muhamad Al Kausar Halu Oleo University
  • Ahmat Keke Halu Oleo University



adaptation, mustard, courtier, economic system


This study examines how the form of adaptation of Sawi to Punggawa in the economic system of the Bajo community in the Tiworo North district. This is based on the fact that each ethnicity in the flow of their lives as they move from one place to another always needs adaptation, as well as the Bajo fishing community. In the economic system, the way they should be dominant turns into a dominated party because the construction of the system is built by other ethnicities that have more capital. To find data, observation and documentation methods are used. The results obtained are that the Bajo fishing community in the Tiworo Islands sub-district goes through several levels of adaptation, namely ecological adaptation, i.e. the origin of the formation of the mustard greens of the Bajo fishermen in the north of Tiworo and their efforts to be able to adapt to their environment as migrants on the island of Muna and social adaptation, namely how mustard men interact and adapt to the courtiers who have formed an economic system almost dominated by them


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Volume 5 Issue 1, March 2024