Vol. 3 No. 2: December 2019
Sangia : Jurnal Penelitian Arkeologi (Journal of Archaeology Research) is a scientific publication dedicated to the exploration of archeological and cultural topics, originating from the local language of Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. The term "Sangia" holds a sacred meaning to the local community and is associated with sacred places or sites, which are highly valued and preserved. The journal aims to serve as a platform for researchers, academics, and students to present their research findings and ideas on archeology and culture, with the goal of benefiting the wider community. As an open-access journal, Sangia welcomes original articles on a variety of topics related to archeology and culture. These may include theoretical or empirical research, case studies, literature reviews, comparative studies, and export papers. The Journal is published by the Laboratory of Archeology at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences of Halu Oleo University, and all submissions are published in both digital and printed formats.