The title of this paper is “The Usage of Article ‘O’ in Muna Languageâ€. The purpose of this paper is to reveal and analyze the presence, deletion, and grammatical functions of article ‘O’ in certain construction. The method used is descriptive method with data collection record straight. Data collected showed that the article ‘O’ in Muna language sometimes present and sometimes disappeared. Result of data analysis showed that the article ‘O’ present in front of the pure noun: O manu ‘chicken’, in front of nominal: O kadada ‘vegetable cooking’, and in front of question word: O hae ‘what’. Otherwise, the article ‘O’ disappeared in front of the noun which is followed by free form of demonstrative noun: ‘this ball’, disappeared in front of possessive noun: ( ) ghai-ku ‘my coconut’, disappeared in front of object noun: Inodi aegholi ( ) bheta ‘I buy a sarong’. Article ‘O’ have a grammatical function as a substitute nouns: piso kaekuruha: ‘razor’ >o kaekuruha ‘shaver, as with nouns: o tonea ‘caladium’.
Keywords: the usage, article, deletion, Muna Language