Controversial Perseption, Old Generation, Young Generation, Ritual Language, Barong Wae ritual, Society, ManggaraiAbstract
This article describes about kontrasted perception between old generation and young generation related to the ritual language use in cultural perspective. It promotes two problems, namely factors that caused the contrated perception happening to the old generation and young generation and the impacts of contrasted perception toward the speakers of ritual language either old speaker and young speaker. These two problems are to be analyzed by cognitive gab theory that derived from Ecolinguistics. This theory assumed that contrasted perception is caused by two factors that is external factor and internal factor and the impacts of the contrasted perception toward the old and young generation are positive impact and negative impact. To find the accurate data deal with the two problems as stated above, the writer has applied two methods, that is interview and observation. Controversial perception can be defined as distingtive understanding and knowledge between old and young generation related to the use of ritual language in different cultural activities, especially in Manggarai. The controversial perception is caused by two factors, such as external factor like Indonesian language as a national language and internal factor is the characteristics of ritual language forinstance it is a holly language. Beside that the impact of contrasted pereption can effect to the old and young generation, namely negative impact to the young generation and positive impat to the old generation.
Key Words: Controversial Perseption, Old Generation, Young Generation, Ritual Language, Barong Wae ritual, Society, Manggarai
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