natural semantics metalanguage, lexicons, distinctive meaningAbstract
This paper aims at investigating the meaning of “to bring†in Muna language based on natural semantics metalanguage. The data were collected through interview and noting techniques. It was analyzed by using natural semantics metalanguage (NSM), an approach to investigate various forms, structure, and meaning in the whole with principle “one form for one meaning and one meaning for one formâ€. The result of this study shows that meaning of “to bring†of Muna can be expressed by a number of lexicons and each form has certain or distinctive meaning, namely (a) kantoroe and kopaue meaning to bring something by using head; (b) tongku, ghowea, and sughu meaning to bring something by using shoulder; (c) temba, ghawie, and sodae meaning to bring something buy putting on chest or waist with helping hand or cloth;(d) ghatie meaning to bring something (not human) which is put in the armpit; (e) foampe, kopue, bulu, hela, sangke, and tondae meaning to bring something by using hand; (f) fotaghie is used to bring things using animal; and (g) owa is used to bring anything and use anything with general meaning ‘bring’.
Key Words: natural semantics metalanguage, lexicons, distinctive meaning
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