
  • Falma Wati . Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Halu Oleo


The Wolio language, extinction, language teching learning, effort


Indonesia is both a multiracial and multilingual nation comprising various regions all over the Indonesian archipelago. Local languages and literatures are the reflection of the speakers’life. Vocabulary of a language and the exixtence of literatures can even show human’s civilization. But today, many local languages are threatened to be extinct. One of the local languages which has started to be in danger of extinction it the wolio language, Buton island. The extinction of local languages should not have happened since the existence of the languages themselves is formally guaranteed by the constitution of the republic of Indonesia 1945 and is always detailed in GBHN. Local languages are important to be protected and used so that one may identify ethnic groups behaviors living in that region as an identity of the people it self as well as a proof of the Indonesian multiculturalism. The extinction prevention strategies of the wolio language, therefore, can be conducted by constructing/presenting the wolio language and developing of the wolio language and literatures ; and spreading them to media. The strategy of language learing is actually derived frof linguistic theories. And, linguistic theory itself is derived from linguistic data. In hierarchical atructure, the order from the data to the effort is as follows: Data bears theory, theory bears strategy, strategy bears approach,approach bears method,method bears technique,technique bears effort.

Keywords : The Wolio language, extinction, language teching learning, effort.


Google, 2010,, Diakses pada tanggal 29 Desember 2015.

Google, 2010,, Diakses pada tanggal 29 Desember 2015.

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Makalah Simposium Internasional Bahasa, Sastra dan Budaya 2016