Learning, Japanese Language, Culture, characterAbstract
Language can be a bridge to understanding a culture, as in learning a language is then indirectly we can understand the culture of the language being studied. Language is the main component in a culture. Language is able to provide cultural understanding between regions and nations other example is Japan. Language and culture are inseparable in human life because the language is able to provide a learning culture. According Kramsch (2008) "language serves to express, to show, and give rise to cultural reality. Language makes man not only to articulate the thoughts, ideas, facts, and events, but is able to convey an attitude of trust and a cultural standpoint. In other words, language is able to show the reality of a culture. The population in this study were all students STP Nusa Dua Bali and the sample ADH B class students who obtain Japanese subjects. The technique of collecting data using questionnaires. Japanese learning outcomes, showing students STP Bali Nusa Dua is indirectly able to understand Japanese culture and its character. Before learning the Japanese language, the character of students tend to lack discipline and behaving courteously. However, after studying the Japanese language, the character of students indirectly transformed into disciplined and courteous in behavior. For example, students can now be punctual and attend classes. Students are expected to apply this code anytime soon, especially at work, while building a national character.
Keywords: Learning, Japanese Language, Culture, character
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