
  • Maria Magdalena Namok Nahak Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FIP Universitas Timor
  • Edmundus Bouk . Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FIP Universitas Timor


language, language variety, communication, choice of diction


Every language which is used as a means of communication grows and develops in the community. Language as a means of communication in the context of daily use will be influenced by the social surrounding of the society of language user. Society members of a language consist of different people with different social status and different cultural background.Regional language is treated as an inheritance from ancestors that must be maintained and preserved as a part of culture. There are not so many researches which have been conducted before about regional languages in the country from different aspects, such as sociolinguistics or pragmatics. Tetun Terik language grows and develops as a dynamic system in daily use. This paper aims at finding out language varieties in Tetun Terik language. This paper will also try to describe how language varieties in Tetun Terik are used in daily communication. This research uses an approach of qualitative research. The research data are obtained from six  informants as native speakers of Tetun Terik. The data are obtained in forms of interview, recording and taking notes.The result of the research shows that in Tetun Terik language there are three language varieties, such as formal, casual and intimate varieties. Those three language varieties in Tetun Terik language are used based on the  purpose of communication among the speakers. One idea to suggest that there should be any further research on regional language as a way of preserving the language as a part of culture. 

Key words: language, language variety, communication, choice of diction


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Makalah Simposium Internasional Bahasa, Sastra dan Budaya 2016