Muna Community, Food Reserve,WalambenowiteAbstract
The purpose of this research is to know food shortage in Muna community at Walambenowite district with Sumner thought about mores with ethnography method. The custom of family food reserve were corn, tubers, and lentils are the staple foods. Rice at that time was only for ceremonial food and treat for family guest. Free seedling aid and government subsidized rice ease community affair and pleased the government choice. Mores works well in connectedness between humans as an individu and a group. In Muna community food reserve management in Walambenowite also gathered strategized, to survive for their own existance as part of universe. At the moment every group or individu at Muna community in Walambenowite have switched their staple food with subsidized rice, so every side can maintain their achieved position. Implication, Muna community think that government policy habituate the community with completely free goods as addiction so that they keep loyal to the elected leader. However, indirectly it overlooked the forefather food reserve tradition that are more environtmentally friendly than subsidized rice which poison own nation. The government need to revitalized Muna community tradition regarding family food reserve, so all parties have awareness to introspect oneself dan self reflection, not with blaming betwen the parties, so that the remaining Muna unique flora and fauna can be revitalized.
Key words : Muna Community, Food Reserve,Walambenowite
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