ideology, brave, parebasan, identtas MadureseAbstract
The purpose of this study to determine the ideology contained in the Madurese community Parebasan(Proverb) abhantal omba 'asapok angin. This study sought to dig up information about the ideology of the Madurese relation to the development of their ideas which appear in everyday life in contemporary times, given the Madurese community known to have a pretty strong cultural ties. Madura community in the development of thought, ideas, and ideas are still memgang firm ideological concepts of their ancestors. This research is entholinguistic, namely the study of the language context of a culture where the language is alive and thriving. Entholinguistic used as an approach to identify the relationship between the community and communication practices. Parebasan (Proverb) is one form of communication used Madura community for generations with the intent and purpose. The results of this study indicate that Parebasan (Proverb) abhantal omba’asapok angin is an ideology for the people of Madura, which is as brave ideology.
Keywords: ideology, brave, parebasan, identtas Madurese
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