
  • Arman . Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Fina Amalia Masri Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Halu Oleo


Ewa Wuna, Identity, Muna Society


Oral tradition is a tradition that developed in a society that is told by word of mouth and are passed down through generations, from one generation to the next. Oral tradition closely related to customs or habits inherent in a society. To find out the relics in the form of memory, then it can be done by asking or listening from the speaker or the offender.

One of the traditions is martial arts Pencak Silat. Pencak meaning game (expertise) to defend themselves with cleverness parried, away from, and so on. While the meaning of Silat is the intelligent fight. Martial problems need attention every intelligent man. In realize or not every time we need to maintain the stability of martial arts between physical and inner. In this case required the presence of martial arts with strength in or martial spriritual.

As with other areas of society in Indonesia with a wealth of local society, Muna society is cultured society and distinctive with their local wealth. The society knows martial arts called Muna as Ewa Wuna or Silat, which aims to ensure the safety of themselves and the society. This tradition since ancient times it has been known and developed as a tradition in the society of Muna. As is the case in the pencak silat in General, in the study of Ewa Wuna, at least we can learn two very important thing which is about aspects of motion (aesthetics) and aspects of speech or advice (ethics). Speech about Ewa Wuna deserves attention because in studying Ewa Wuna there is much advice they contain. Those aspects include: the nature of Ewa Wuna, teacher-student lineage, who learnt from events, discipleship, and sequence learning in Ewa Wuna.

Keywords: Ewa Wuna, Identity, Muna Society



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Makalah Simposium Internasional Bahasa, Sastra dan Budaya 2016