
  • La Aso. . Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Halu Oleo


Pomoghono, ritual, Muna ethnic society


This research discusses “Pomoghono Ritual on Muna EthnicSociety inMuna Regency of Southeast Sulawesi Provinceâ€. The Muna ethnicsociey either they who live at Muna Regency of Southeast Sulawesi Province or they who live outside of Muna Regency have many traditions. One of them is pomoghono ritual. Pomoghono ritual is a ritaul in death rite and it is one of the ritual in the life cycle of Muna etnic society.

This research is focused on the process of pomoghono ritual on Muna etnic sosciety at Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province.Data sources of this research cover primary and secondary data. Furthermore, those data were divided into three parts, they are (1) observation, (2) deep interview, and (3) documentation study. In this research, data analysis were done  by qualitative-descriptively and interpretatively analysis.

The results of this research show that (1) the process of pomoghono ritual on Muna etnic society are begun with (a) The setting up of the permanent grave stone of the body in the grave, (b) Basting the grave of the body, (c) praying the body in the grave, and (d) Praying for the body at home by preparing haroa turantana. (2) From the description and discussion above, it can be said that pomoghono ritual on Muna etnic society done by the traditional Muslims has meaning and sign that constitute the symbol of the tradition itself. For example, the contents of haroa turuntana that consist of traditional food of Muna etnic society has the meaning of the symbol of the human body. This case indicates what the role of semiotics in studying/analyzing the meanings of sign in the process of pomoghono ritual at Muna etnic society.

Keywords: Pomoghono, ritual, Muna ethnic society


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Makalah Simposium Internasional Bahasa, Sastra dan Budaya 2016