
  • Hasdairta Hasda Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Bainudin Bainudin Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Hisna Hisna Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Taufiq Said Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Mursin Mursin Universitas Halu Oleo


Urbanization, Bajo Tribe, Kendari City.


Nowadays, many Indonesian people are urbanizing from villages to cities, one of which is the Bajo tribe community in Kendari City to improve their welfare. This is done because cities are seen socially as communities that were created from the start to increase productivity, through concentration and specialization of the workforce and allowing for intellectual, cultural, and recreational diversity in cities. An area is called a city if the area can provide the needs/services needed by the population in that area. However, several areas consider urbanization to be a process of population movement which causes the target area to create slum settlements, health problems, education problems, and increasing unemployment so urbanization is considered to only hurt the target area. This perception has given rise to the fact that urbanization does not need to be carried out in every region, especially in big cities in Indonesia. With this, research on "Urbanization of the Bajo Tribe Community in Kendari City" needs to be carried out to determine the impacts on the people of Kendari City.

Keywords: Urbanization, Bajo Tribe, Kendari City.


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