About the Journal

The Journal Idea of History was launched to enhance the academic atmosphere within the Department of History at FIB UHO, providing a platform for faculty and students to actualize their research in the field of history. The inaugural issue of this journal, published in August 2018, marks the beginning of the first series in the first year of publication with Volume 1, Issue 01. The journal has been assigned ISSN Online 2614-4395 and ISSN Print 2598-7828, reflecting a commitment to maintaining high standards of academic publishing.

In this inaugural issue, several published studies are the work of students from the Department of History at FIB. These studies cover various historical topics that are relevant to the development of historical knowledge and the contextualization of both local and national history. It is hoped that the Journal Idea of History will serve as an effective means of supporting the development of historical studies and motivating both students and faculty to continue contributing to the academic community. Additionally, the publication is expected to enhance the academic reputation of the Department of History at FIB UHO while expanding scholarly networks with other institutions.

Moving forward, we are committed to regularly updating information related to the Journal Idea of History. We will also focus on improving the quality of the journal, both in terms of content and the publication process, to maintain high academic standards. These efforts include implementing stricter reviews, developing professional editorial governance, and expanding collaborative networks with academics and researchers from various institutions. With these measures, we hope that the Journal Idea of History will become one of the leading journals in the field of history and make a significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge in Indonesia.