Hasrat Yang Tidak Terpenuhi: Kajian Psikoanalisis Jacques Lacan dalam Novel The Kite Runner Karya Khaled Hosseini
Hasrat, Psikoanalisis, the Kite Runner, yang simbolikAbstract
The purpose of this analysis is to reveal an unfulfilled desire in Khaled Hosseini's novel The Kite Runner. The personality reflected in the characters of Amir and Baba is related to Baba's dissatisfaction with what Amir has achieved which is an unsatisfactory manifestation of desire using the psychoanalytic theory of Jacques Lacan. The method used is a qualitative descriptive research method that describes unfulfilled desires in Khaled Hosseini's novel The Kite Runner. This analysis attempts to describe data with words or sentences distinguished by certain elements or parts to draw conclusions. The results of the research show that Amir's desire led to his father's demands to be a real man. Amir's father's perception of a real man is a boy who plays football and goes hunting. This is the role that Amir has to play in his life so that Amir hides the true personal truth that prefers to soak his face in books and read poetry. Amir strives hard to be a beloved and proud object. The appearance of such brave and powerful markers is the cause of the emergence of a sense of lack in the subject's self. Through that goal, Amir reflects the impression that he wants to be the son that his father hoped for. It was then revealed that Amir as the subject intended his father's identity.
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