Kritik Sosial dalam Lirik Lagu Mon Précieux Karya Penyanyi Soprano
social criticism, song, semioticsAbstract
This research aims to understand the denotative, connotative meaning and their relationship with the social criticism contained in the lyrics of the song "Mon Précieux" by Soprano. The type of research method used is qualitative descriptive using words as research data. The data sources used in this research come from primary data sources, namely the video clip titled "Mon Précieux" on the YouTube platform, and secondary data sources, such as literary studies, relevant research and the Larousse dictionary . The data collection technique was carried out by data identification, listening and reading, as well as scoring and interpretation. Next, the data was analyzed using Roland Barthes' study of semiotics which contains denotative and connotative meanings as well as their relationship with social criticism. Based on the results and discussions conducted, it was found that the song “Mon Précieux” by Soprano criticizes man's dependence on technology and electronic devices such as smartphones. The lyrics of the song present a duality of meaning with the denotation describing the literal action of using a cell phone and the connotation describing an unbalanced relationship between man and technology. The song raises the question of whether addiction to technology has reached a point where we can no longer function without it. Although technology allows us to stay connected with others, consume media and make purchases, the song also highlights its negative impacts such as social isolation and neglect of real life. Therefore, the song invites listeners to think about wise use of technology and live their real lives to the fullest.
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