Semiotika dalam Kumpulan Puisi “Les Lettre D’amour À George Sand” Karya Alfred De Musset
Romanticism, semiotics, Roland Barthes, Alfred de MussetAbstract
Romanticism was a literary and artistic movement that developed in the first half of the 19th century as a reaction to the classical orderliness and rationalism of previous centuries. In order to analyze the romanticism in the poetry collection Les Lettre D'amour À George Sand, the meaning in this poem is studied first using Roland Barthes' semiotic theory. Romanticism is analyzed using Nicole Masson's theory of romanticism, namely Liberté, Émotion, Le Moi, Évasion, and Renouvellement de langue. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method, namely describing data in sentence form. The data collection technique is carried out by reading, noting important parts, and grouping the data that has been identified. The data analysis technique is carried out by classifying data, interpreting data, analyzing data, then concluding the data that has been analyzed. The results of the research show a form of
adoration, disappointment and sincerity directed by the author towards his lover. Based on the meaning that has been found, it shows that the poetry collection Les Lettre D'amour À George Sand contains characteristics of the romantic school. This can be seen from the free form and themes of poetry, the content of poetry which focuses on the author's emotions. A combination of two different times written in beautiful and interesting language.
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